Good Apples is available now!

"A great read and stunning debut.”—Mary Swander, author, Farmscape: The Changing Rural Environment
"Susan’s keen observations of one of the world’s great food commodities are reality checks for the industry and will enlighten both professionals and aspiring apple growers.” —Tom Burford, author, Apples of North America
"Susan Futrell issues a gentle call to action to embrace the dazzling complexity of farming with all of our compassion and intelligence.”—Glenda Yoder, Farm Aid
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or directly from UI Press:
For more information, or to schedule a reading or presentation for your bookstore, food and sustainability studies course, apple festival, local food dinner, or other event, contact the author at sfutrell0 [at] or on the contact page here.
Review Copy and Media Requests: Members of the print and broadcast media, and course instructors, may request review copies, and interviews with the author by contacting University of Iowa Press:
Marketing Manager, Allison Thomas Means, sends e-mail) 319-335-3440
Director, James McCoy, sends e-mail) 319-335-2013
"A great read and stunning debut.”—Mary Swander, author, Farmscape: The Changing Rural Environment
"Susan’s keen observations of one of the world’s great food commodities are reality checks for the industry and will enlighten both professionals and aspiring apple growers.” —Tom Burford, author, Apples of North America
"Susan Futrell issues a gentle call to action to embrace the dazzling complexity of farming with all of our compassion and intelligence.”—Glenda Yoder, Farm Aid
Order from your favorite bookseller:
or directly from UI Press:
For more information, or to schedule a reading or presentation for your bookstore, food and sustainability studies course, apple festival, local food dinner, or other event, contact the author at sfutrell0 [at] or on the contact page here.
Review Copy and Media Requests: Members of the print and broadcast media, and course instructors, may request review copies, and interviews with the author by contacting University of Iowa Press:
Marketing Manager, Allison Thomas Means, sends e-mail) 319-335-3440
Director, James McCoy, sends e-mail) 319-335-2013